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Erik Bohnsack, Software engineer at Einride, gardening flowers
6 min read

Einride Portraits: Erik, Software Engineer

Olivia Forsselius - Business Analyst Solution Development

Philipp-Christian Diehl, Senior Business Development Manager, at the golf course

Shabnam Di Pilato at a playground swinging with her daughter and dog

Philip Hassel, Software engineer

A man with a climbing clothes and a climbing stick standing between two tall brown cliffs.

Michelle Avary in sunglasses

Rui Eduardo, Einride designer, takes a picture with his phone.

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Bianca Otake at Einride Vision Shop

Hadla Bergman djing by DJ set in room with pink light

Craig Roberts playing football in Stockholm.

Remote operator Tiffany Heathcott sits in front of her screens and control elements.

Founding Engineer at Einride

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